location icon Tầng 10, Tòa VIT, 519 Kim Mã, Ba Đình, Hà nội - Cụm CN Bắc Văn Yên, xã Đông Cuông, huyện Văn Yên, Tỉnh Yên Bái
JFE Engineering is the comprehensive engineering arm of the JFE Group. We aim to become one of the world’s leading engineering companies, addressing ever-changing needs with products and services that draw on the strengths of the JFE Group and state-of-the-art technology.The company has its roots in steelmaking and shipbuilding businesses and has expanded its engineering business that underpins people’s lives and industries in the fields of energy and the environment, and social infrastructure by blending and evolving its technologies.Our business boasts the latest technologies and a wealth of experience in a wide variety of energy utilization methods in particular, including natural gas plants and pipelines and a power generation plant fueled by waste. In recent years, we have been involved in renewable energy projects in areas such as biomass energy, geothermal power engineering and photovoltaic generation.With regard to infrastructure development, such as transport and logistics systems as well as water supply and sewerage systems, the company has also been contributing to a great degree to the growth of developing countries with its high-standard technologies gained through the longstanding operations in Japan.In recent years, the company has been devoting itself to new businesses by expanding its engineering business to cover the medical and agricultural fields. Going forward, with our all-in-one solutions covering everything from proposal to operation of social infrastructure and plant projects, and our global engineering framework that is working together with our overseas group companies, we will move even further forward in the expansion of our overseas business.Our boundless missions are out there as long as the people in the world seek a more comfortable and better life.At the JFE Engineering Group, we will keep providing society with the optimal solution as a company that “creates and continues to care for the foundation for life.”The executives and employees are united in their commitment to these goals, and we look forward to your continued support and encouragement in our endeavors

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